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How to Book a Wedding Band in 2024: The Only Guide You'll Need

Booking a wedding band is one of the hardest parts of organising a wedding. Usually, the good bands are always booked up and getting a slot can be pretty challenging. Music is a key element that sets the mood for the entire wedding, and we understand the pressures of getting it right. 

However, we’ve come up with some pro tips that will make booking a wedding band easier so that you can have a magical time. Let’s take a look at the checklist you need to have a hassle-free band booking.

wedding music band hired 2024

12 Pro Tips to Book The Best Possible Wedding Band for Your Big Day

Booking a band is a hassle that you want to be done with earlier to avoid wedding music mistakes. You can also get lower rates if you book in advance as well, which is why booking a band should be at the top of your to-do list after booking the venue. 

  1. Consider The Style of Wedding Band

If your ceremony is designed to be elegant and full of dainty decor and pastel shades meant to invoke a sense of calm, you need to consider which style of music will fit the ceremony best. 

Genres like classical music, soul, R&B, or jazz are the best to provide the soft and elegant texture you’re looking for. 

Bands that specialize in these genres are going to be your best choice as opposed to a band specializing in classic rock, alternative music, or pop genre. 

So, the style of music performed is an essential choice you must make if you want to set the right mood.

  1. Fix a Budget

You should have a separate budget for live music at your wedding as it’ll likely cost you somewhere from $2500-$6500, which is usually a significant chunk of wedding budgets

Depending on what else you plan to do for wedding entertainment, setting the budget earlier in hiring a band is important.

  1. Make a List of Potential Bands

Hiring local bands is the most affordable option as bands usually have a lot of instruments that can be a hassle to lug around, and they usually prefer close locations. 

After you select your preferred genre of music, searching for local bands online is the next step. 

Bands usually have some form of presence on social media or through websites, so you should be able to find a lot of fitting candidates based on your budget. 

  1. Shortlist At Least Five Bands

Next comes the process of shortlisting the bands you think are best for your wedding. You can check out the information available online to help you in the process of elimination. 

It’s usually better to have at least five bands that look like a potential fit. As you communicate with the bands further, you’ll probably encounter scheduling conflicts or other mismatch of interests. 

So, it’s better to have the option to move on to the next.

band performance in wedding in style

  1. Ask For Live Performance Videos

Do some deeper research about the shortlisted brands, as you want the live wedding music to be worth the expense. Look for videos of them performing online. 

If you can’t find any such videos, reach out to the shortlisted bands and ask for recordings of their live performance at previous weddings they have booked. 

It’ll give you a better idea of what to expect and how good these bands are at their craft.

  1. Inquire for Reviews

Look for references and reviews to be sure that the band you’re looking at has delivered excellent results before. 

Most professional bands have many verified reviews listed online for potential clients to browse. However, the authenticity of such reviews may not always be clear. 

In this situation, you can ask the band to provide you with the contact information of a previous client who will vouch for the band's performance. If such reviews are unavailable, strike them off your list.

  1. Ask to See a Live Performance

A live performance will give you the best idea of whether the band is right for you or not. You can ask the band whether you can catch them at one of their gigs. 

Bands usually allow this, and it’s a good way of judging a band’s vibe and ability to command the room. You can probably see them at a club performance. 

  1. Schedule a Meeting

If everything looks good to you and you want to go ahead and propose a booking, scheduling a meeting to discuss important points is the next step. 

Wedding bands have to consider the couple's wishes and their vision of the ceremony. 

Talking to them face-to-face will give you a sense of whether they will put your needs first and adjust their performance and song list based on the demands of the situation.

  1. Make Your Expectations Clear

If you have a playlist in mind, specific songs for the first dance, father-daughter dance or any other important moment at the wedding, clear those expectations. 

Be forthcoming about what you need from the band, and also ask them what they require to give their best performance. 

  1. Consider The Space Required to Set Up The Band

How the band wants the venue to be set up to accommodate their instruments and everything is a point you should consider. Your venue may also have sound restrictions or a curfew on music. 

Discussing those final points can help you decide the band’s performance schedule for your wedding and the conditions under which they have to work.

  1. Book The Band

When all looks good, and you’re ready to finalize, go ahead and book the band as early as possible. Don’t wait. You have already done your due diligence at this point, and moving forward fast is the best possible step.

  1. Don't Forget To Get A Contract

When booking a bank, it’s best practice to have a formal contract as you don’t want to run into payment issues or non-compliance with the agreed services to be performed. 

It’s better to have the details in writing. Expectations of payment, the timing for payment, the list of services you want the band to perform, and the duration of the performance and break times for the band all go on the contract.


Final Words

Wedding bands can be quite expensive, and you don’t want to get less out of the deal with them. You should diligently learn whether the band fits you to avoid such disappointments. 

The checklist we provided may seem overkill now, but you’ll be thankful when everyone is having a grand time dancing to the live music at your wedding. 

At UK Live Entertainment, we have talented wedding musicians with a proven track record of stunning wedding guests. You can check the verified reviews to find the band that fits your wedding needs.